Buffalo Speedway Reconstruction from Bissonnet to US 59, Houston, Texas
Client Name & Address:
Upper Kirby District/Nathelyne A. Kennedy & Associates (NAK)
6100 Hillcroft, Suite 700
Houston, TX 77081
Services Rendered:
As a sub-consultant, Amani’s scope of design services included, Traffic Control Plan, Street Lighting Conduit Layout and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans
York Street Reconstruction from Polk Street to Navigation Boulevard, Houston, Texas
Client Name & Address:
WCW International (WCW)
1001 McKinney St., Suite 650
Houston, TX 77002
Services Rendered:
As a sub-consultant, Amani was a part of the team for this roadway reconstruction project. Project length is approximately 5,600 linear feet, 80-foot ROW, 4-lane concrete pavement with sidewalks on both sides. Amani was responsible for Phase I and II design. Design included pavement design; roadway geometrics; drainage evaluation; analysis and design; storm sewer sizing; 12-inch water line replacement; 24-inch sanitary force main replacement; 30-inch gravity sanitary sewer rehabilitation by Cure-In-Place pipe method; Three traffic signals reconstruction; Two traffic signals refurbishments; construction phasing; traffic control plan; storm water pollution prevention plan; pavement markings and signage
Becker Road from South of Union Pacific Railroad to North of Palo Dura, Harris County, Texas
Client Name & Address:
Harris County, Precinct #3
Harris County Public Infrastructure Department
1001 Preston, 7th Floor
Houston, TX 77002
Services Rendered:
Amani is the prime design consultant, provided Phase I design services for roadway and drainage improvements for approximately 2800 linear feet of existing 2 lane asphalt roadway section with open ditch drainage. Proposed improvements include 4-lane concrete pavement with raised median boulevard section and underground storm drainage. Prepared study report
Reconstruction of Hillcroft Avenue from Bellaire Boulevard to US 59, Houston, Texas
Client Name & Address:
Nathelyne A. Kennedy & Associates (NAK)
6100 Hillcroft, Suite 700
Houston, TX 77081
Services Rendered:
As a sub-consultant, Amani provided design services including pavement evaluation and design, drainage, traffic control plan, construction sequencing and phasing, temporary signal design/layout for four signals, street lighting plan and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
Pavement Improvements along Robertson, Griffin and Cochran, Houston, Texas
Client Name & Address:
Malcolm Pirnie, Inc./City of Houston
1700 W Loop South, Suite 950
Houston, TX 77027
Services Rendered:
As a sub-consultant, Amani designed storm sewer and pavement improvements. This is a part of constructing 48-inch water main along Robertson, Griffin and Cochran Streets as part of the Accelerated Surface Water Transmission Program, Contract 6B-2.
Pavement Improvements along 24th Street form Durham Drive to Cortland Street, Houston, Texas
Client Name & Address:
R. G. Miller Engineers
12121 Wickchester Lane, Suite 200
Houston, TX 77079
Services Rendered:
As a sub-consultant, Amani provided engineering and design services for storm drainage and pavement improvements. Prepared plans, specifications and construction cost estimate. Pavement improvements were a part of accelerated Surface Water Transmission Program, 84-in water main projects
Construction Plans for County Road No. 94 Roadway/ Pavement Improvements, Brazoria County, TX
Client Name & Address:
Lott and Brown Consulting Engineers
1326 Shillington
Katy, TX 77450
Services Rendered:
As a Sub-consultant, Amani prepared construction plans for roadway widening from 2-lane to 4-lanes, drainage improvements, pavement markings and signage. Length of roadway was approximately 1900ft. Drainage improvements included grading of existing open ditches, addition of pipe culverts and Type-E inlets to serve approximately 35 acres Limestone Construction site improvements
Pavement Improvements along Almeda Road from Herman Drive to Alabama, Houston, TX
Client Name & Address:
PTI, Inc.
2925 Briarpark Drive, Suite 950
Houston, TX 77042
Services Rendered:
As a sub-consultant, Amani performed roadway geometrics, cross sections, earthwork calculations and drainage study. Provided quality control for storm drainage for approximately 6300 LF of roadway improvements
Design of Intersection Improvements at Dairy Ashford Road and West Airport Boulevard, Sugar Land, Texas
Client Name & Address:
Public Works Department
City of Sugar Land
111 Gillingham Lane
Sugar Land, Texas 77478-0110
Services Rendered:
Amani provided design for a second dedicated left turn lane to include approximately 250 feet of queuing area to inside existing left turn bay on southbound and northbound lanes of Dairy Ashford Road. Prepared Traffic Control Plan with multiple phases to construct turn lanes and median modification