

Amani is the engineer of record for new or rehabilitated wastewater infrastructure projects for municipal districts. Amani surveyed, designed and developed plan and profile drawings for several sanitary sewer replacement projects. Its engineers have designed or rehabilitated underground lines, pump stations, sanitary sewers, force mains and service connections, as well as performed hydraulic calculations. Our expertise includes permitting for site development and facilities to provide primary, secondary and tertiary wastewater treatment, and to deal with special issues including stringent discharge limitations, large industrial waste streams, odor control, constrained facility sites and the phased improvement or replacement of existing plants.

Amani has been selected to plan, design and construct a great variety of wastewater infrastructure projects because of its proven record of achievement over the past 10 years and because of its comprehensive list of services including:

  • Wastewater Collection System Evaluation, Analysis and Design
  • Flow Monitoring and Hydraulic Modeling
  • Infiltration/Inflow Analysis and Abatement Design
  • Neighborhood Sewer System Improvements
  • Drainage Analysis and Storm Sewer Design
  • Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Design
  • Wastewater Lift Station / Force Main Design
  • Facility Planning
  • Sewage Treatment and Disposal
  • Design of new or expanded Treatment Facilities
  • Treatability Testing and Process Optimization
  • Sludge Conditioning and Dewatering Systems
  • Sludge Stabilization and Disposal
  • Operation and Maintenance Manual preparation
  • Construction and Program Observation